A Woman Is A Woman (1961)

A Woman Is A Woman (1961) Godard’s view is that a woman will sleep with anybody to have a child. Jean-Claude Brialy as Émile, and Jean-Paul Belmondo as Alfred, compete over Anna Karina’s body in Godard’s first Cinemascope color feature, a parody of Hollywood musicals. Anna Karina won a Silver Bear for her performance in … More A Woman Is A Woman (1961)

Peppermint Soda (1977)

Peppermint Soda (1977) “For my sister, who still hasn’t returned my orange sweater.” Diane Kurys wrote and directed this twist on The 400 Blows, which follows the lives of 13-year-old Anne [Eléonore Klarwein] and 15-year-old Frederique [Odile Michel], sisters whose parents are separated. And yet, despite the political chaos of the time, Kurys focuses on … More Peppermint Soda (1977)

Alphaville (1965)

Alphaville (1965) 99 Min With no special sets, shot on location in Paris, Jean-Luc Godard cast B-Film Detective Eddie Constantine with Anna Karina to make a dystopian comment on the dehumanizing nature of a technology, using self-referential film noir techniques that often mock the genre.   Blinding headlights flash Flash on and off neurotic codes … More Alphaville (1965)