A Woman Is A Woman (1961)

A Woman Is A Woman (1961) Godard’s view is that a woman will sleep with anybody to have a child. Jean-Claude Brialy as Émile, and Jean-Paul Belmondo as Alfred, compete over Anna Karina’s body in Godard’s first Cinemascope color feature, a parody of Hollywood musicals. Anna Karina won a Silver Bear for her performance in this, and deservedly so. She will always be radiant as long as this film exists. Besides, how can I not love a movie where lovers quarrel with each other by taking books off shelves to read quotes at one another in an argument!


This is NOT what I wanted for Christmas.

The evergreen has lost its green, and pines

Have shed their needles in random designs,

Making a byzantine cutting room mess.


There was a time of youthful abandon,

Playful happiness at being alive,

Redefining the male and female drive,

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As mores unmoored tides of rebellion.

This Danish model earned critical praise,

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Stripped from a misogynistic head trip

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What it meant to be in a relationship,

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And undermined her husband’s cold male gaze.

Each day, another loss brings no answer.

We now speak in memes, signs under Cancer.

[Disposable Christmas Poem December 15, 2019]

Dr. Mike

In Memory of Anna Karina






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